Gluten Free Abs - Weight Loss Program
Hcg Guide - A Revolution In Weight Loss
ou have gotten really serious about the
need to shed those unsightly pounds and you are trying to find the best
weight loss product for you. Now is the time to look into the power of
Resveratrol and see if this weight loss supplement is right for you.
First let's look at what resveratrol is.
is a powerful antioxidant found in red grapes, raspberries, mulberries,
blueberries, cranberries, and peanuts. What is does that helps to
promote weight loss is a series of different actions. It boosts your
metabolism. Antioxidants help to make your bodies' metabolism work more
efficiently. When your metabolism is working at its best, the results
mean you burn more calories. This also means you body is still working
to burn calories when you are at rest. The working combination of a
reduction in calories, faster metabolic rate, efficiently burning food,
and a brisk work out means weight loss.
Once you have a more
efficient metabolism up and running, you will have an increase of over
all energy. This means simply, you will be more energized, and when you
have more energy, you do more, exercise is easier and more fun. We all
know that exercise is a key to weight loss. So use resveratrol to jump
start your metabolism, gain more energy, more energy equals moving more
and moving more means weight loss.
Appetite suppressant, one of
the great benefits of resveratrol is its ability to suppress your
appetite. Some say it does not suppress you appetite as much as it
reduces hunger. It happens in conjunction with stabilizing blood sugar
levels. When you stabilize blood sugar levels, you no longer have an up
and down a spike that normally occurs after you eat a meal, which means
you don't have the sudden food cravings. Naturally even if you find you
no longer have obsessive food cravings, it's a good idea to watch your
portion sizes at each meal to prevent over eating.
Much of what we
know about Resveratrol comes from the Mediterranean diet. For years we
have known that the European people have healthy extended life spans
compared to other countries. Part of that success has been the diet of
the Mediterranean people, a diet rich with red wine. We know that
Resveratrol levels are high in the red wines. The grape pulp provides an
ample source of Resveratrol. Resveratrol goes to work as a natural
detoxification of fat tissues, removing years of build up for airborn
terrestrial toxins. This process breaks down and detoxifies with in the
body and will naturally help you shed pound and trim up fatty areas.
health benefits found in Resveratrol makes this a desired food.
Anti-inflammatory properties, known to affect the way your body sheds
the pounds. Even if you don't know it, you can be subject to
inflammatory issues that cause weight gain. If we look to the
Mediterranean diet, which is rich with Resveratrol, we see a lower
incidence of heart disease, better regulation of blood pressure and
blood sugar levels.
Supplementing your diet with Resveratrol is a
good idea because we generally receive about half or less of the
nutrients from the foods we eat. This is due to many things, ranging
from the fertilization used to grow the foods, to over cooking and
losing the nutritional value as well as eating the wrong foods with
empty calories.
Now that you know what Resveratrol is, it's going
to be easy to supply your diet with a boost of this anti-oxidant rich
food source. We are busy people and often do not have the time to manage
our food consumption as well as we would like. We need to look at how
to supplement Resveratrol into our diet. Grapes, muscadines, and other
berries come to mind. A nice bottle of red wine with dinner is always a
good source. As busy people we don't always have the time to shop for
fresh berries nor do we always have a glass of wine handy at dinner
time. The easy choice is to supplement your diet with products made for
quick consumption. You can purchase supplements containing rich amounts
of Resveratrol on line or at health food centers. These come in easy to
take pills packed with Resveratrol, yet small sized supplements. Keep
these on hand for the day in and day out supplementing of your diet.
Eating right is the first step, but supplementing what you miss is a
Ultimate 10-day Weight Loss Challenge
ViSalus Weight Loss Reviews- Why is this Weight Loss Challenge is Different from the Rest?
to thousands of ViSalus weight loss reviews, even in today's economy
ViSalus continues to grow and prosper. In fact, only few companies can
claim that they are doing well and thriving at this time, but according
to thousands of ViSalus weight loss reviews, this company is one of
them. So what's the reason for their roaring success? What are the
factors that make ViSalus so popular even in these hard economical
You can understand why this company is thriving by
understanding the kind of contribution that it makes to those who use
their health supplements, and systems? ViSalus offers health
supplements, shakes, and numerous other fitness challenges and health
products, and is being supported by a huge community.
such products have been here for years, but the reason why this
company's growth has been exploding today is that its programs and
products are much superior in several aspects, and deliver the promised
results. Moreover, demand for these products is greater now than ever.
In a recent study by Center for Disease Control, it has been found that
about half all adult Americans are now obese. This number has doubled in
just 26 years. According to ViSalus weight loss reviews an additional
63 percent are overweight to the extent that they face grave health
risks due to their weight issues.
Why ViSalus?
So what's the
reason for so many people choosing Vi 90 Day Challenge over other
alternatives? Well, let's have a close look at few main reasons.
Affordability- According to ViSalus weight loss reviews, the ViShake
(meal replacement shakes) come at just $2 per serving, which is much
less and more nutritious that you'd spend on food at any fast-food
* Genuine health and fitness products! - The biggest reason
for the success of the company is the great products produced by them.
The company's main products "healthy breakfast smoothies." and Vi-shakes
that tastes great. Many reviewers have mentioned that they taste as if
you are having some dessert instead of dieting. Their sweet butter cream
flavor tastes just like pudding or a cake. Due to the healthy breakfast
smoothies, shakes and supplements from ViSalus, people are able to lose
weight without any crankiness or other awful side-effects usually
experienced when your body feel deprived. This happens because your body
is not being deprived and gets more than 23 vital minerals and
* The Challenge-Understanding on how motivating a
challenge can be, the founders of ViSalus offer a 90 day challenge
(challenging them to get back in shape), which helps their members to
reach their fitness goals and even win great prizes if they are
successful in the biggest transformation within 30 days!
* The
Bonuses- According to many ViSalus weight loss reviews, aside from
providing tools for a healthy lifestyle, ViSalus sciences also offers
people the opportunity to earn big money and great bonuses. Members can
refer company to others and can get commission for each and every new
member that signs up with company through them. They can also win big
prizes such as vacations and cars if they become top performers of the
The support from the other members and community gives new
members a sense of belonging and as per ViSalus weight loss reviews this
is what helps to drive them towards success, because there are people
with all levels of fitness and everybody does best to ensure that
everybody reaches their goals. ViSalus sciences are unbeatable and
continue to grow because it stays ahead of the pack due to its great
adaptability. It keeps a close eye on ways the users are using systems
and products, and makes suitable changes to accommodate their wishes.
Explore ViSalus on our website more and see if you're up to the "Vi 90 day Challenge."
Hi, my name is Richard Lienemann and my background had been in
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Article Source:
6 Week Pregnancy Weight Loss
Not every pregnant woman is going to gain the same amount of weight, nor will they gain at the same rate. Obviously every woman -- and pregnancy -- is unique! However, it's important to follow a few guidelines to help keep you on track and aware.
Maintaining a healthy weight will not only be beneficial to you, but also to your baby. It will also help to avoid certain illnesses related to pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes.
How Much Weight Should Be Gained During Pregnancy?
An average-weight woman should gain between 25 and 35 pounds throughout the entire pregnancy. Overweight Women should aim to gain a little less -- about 15 pounds, and underweight women should aim for a little more -- about 35-45 pounds.
Pregnant women expecting multiples will probably gain more weight than those carrying only one baby.
How Should the Weight Be Gained?
The term "eating for two" is misleading, and unhealthy. Despite the fact that there is another human growing inside of you, you do not require twice the amount of food you once did prior to being pregnant. Following this method will only put much more weight on than necessary. In general, an extra 300 calories per day is recommended. Make these calories count by focusing on healthier food choices.
Where Does the Weight Go?
The pounds gained throughout the entire pregnancy are distributed as follows:
Baby -- 7-8 pounds
Placenta -- 2-3 pounds
Amniotic Fluid -- 2-3 pounds
Breast Tissue -- 2-3 pounds
Blood Supply -- 2-3 pounds
Uterus -- 4 pounds
Fat -- 2-5 pounds
Total -- 25-35 pounds
Some women may not actually gain any weight during the first trimester, especially if they are nauseous. Others may gain quite a bit at first. Trimester 2 and 3 will (or should!) have a more even weight gain rate.
Weekly Weight Gain Rate
Follow this guide to see how much weight gained per week is ideal. Remember that this is only an average! The numbers stated below are a range:
2 weeks -- 1-4 pounds
4 weeks -- 3-6 pounds
6 weeks -- 3-7 pounds
8 weeks -- 4-9 pounds
10 weeks -- 4-11 pounds
12 weeks -- 5-12 pounds
14 weeks -- 5-14 pounds
16 weeks -- 6-15 pounds
18 weeks -- 7-16 pounds
20 weeks -- 7-18 pounds
22 weeks -- 8-19 pounds
24 weeks -- 9-20 pounds
26 weeks -- 10-21 pounds
28 weeks -- 11-22 pounds
30 weeks -- 13-24 pounds
32 weeks -- 15-26 pounds
34 weeks -- 17-28 pounds
36 weeks -- 19-30 pounds
38 weeks -- 21-32 pounds
40 weeks -- 23-35 pounds
You'll probably gain about 3 or 4 pounds per month, with a little weight gained near the end. Don't be alarmed if no weight is gained in the last couple of weeks -- this is common.
For more information, visit us at: [http://www.complete-pregnancy-guide.com]
Lisa, author of complete-pregnancy-guide.com. This website has all the info you need on conception, pregnancy, childbirth and labor, including a week by week guide.
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Get Ready to Lose More Belly Fat and Inches With a NEW Way to Workout That Gives You a New Body in Just 6 Weeks, All Without Doing Hours and Hours of Cardio Every Week.
Lisa, author of complete-pregnancy-guide.com. This website has all the info you need on conception, pregnancy, childbirth and labor, including a week by week guide.
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Get Ready to Lose More Belly Fat and Inches With a NEW Way to Workout That Gives You a New Body in Just 6 Weeks, All Without Doing Hours and Hours of Cardio Every Week.
Virginia lost 18 POUNDS and 6 INCHES of fat off her belly!
Annalisa lost 17 POUNDS of fat!
Mai lost over 5 INCHES of fat off her belly!
Lillie's Souper Weight Loss Plan.
Slim is in and there is no better of way of getting into shape than with a daily exercise and diet regimen. Women are now turning to drastic measures to shed off excess fat and become slim in just a few weeks.
No matter what your trusty magazines tell you, there is no shortcut to good health. So, stop believing in all those products that claim to help you "lose while you snooze" and others that promise to help you control your cravings for food.
Get real and do some research online to find out the secret to slim bodies. Here is a list of top 10 online resources that can help you get started on your way to slimness.
1. Mike's Calorie And Fat Gram Chart - This is a good place to start with and is your one stop information source on various foods that we consume on a daily basis. This particular site aims to resolve all your weight loss queries.
Foods are divided on the basis of their protein, carbohydrate, and cholesterol content so as to help you choose foods for your daily diet based on their calorific and nutritional value. You can even find links to other resourceful websites for more information on fat loss and fitness.
2. Lillie Ross Souper Weight Loss Secrets - This is an interesting eBook written by a Mississippi grandmother, Lillie Ross who knows some amazing secrets to permanent weight loss. The author advocates two very basic weight loss theories - either eat less than you burn or burn more what you eat. She has discovered golden ways to increase the metabolic rate naturally. She has included several yummy recipes that make you feel full and satisfied without consuming a lot of calories. You can try her magic home-made soup recipe to lose 9 to 17 pounds in just one week.
3. Weight-By-Date, for Windows - This website is extremely important if you are already on a weight loss plan. With simple but useful features like goal planning, calendar-style data entry, graphs, and real-time statistics, you can easily keep track of your weight on a daily basis.
4. Hoodia - This site is for you if you wish to lose weight fast with Hoodia that is know to suppress cravings and reduce your appetite.
5. Weightwatchers - This site contains invaluable weight loss information and millions of people look up to this site for advice and support.
6. National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases - If you are looking for practical tips on weight loss, then this site is just for you.
7. DietLinks.com - This particular website is loaded with fat loss information and contains diet news along with an extensive directory of links to aid in your weight loss mission.
8. Collected weight loss tips - This site has it all - from diet advice, motivation tips and cooking tips to lifestyle advice, low-cal foods, and exercise.
9. "Lose Some Damn Weight" Weight Loss Program - This one is a unique program on weight loss that hardly costs you anything but delivers amazing results.
10. Shape Up America! - This again is a wonderful website that has plenty of information to help you get in shape.
Mike Lombardy is a web publisher and fitness enthusiast. Don't forget to get a 50% discount code on the idiot proof diet at his website. With the idiot proof diet you can lose 9 lbs in 11 days. Get started today!
Then 221 Pounds Now 140 Pounds
Hi Lillie, As you can see above I was
a real slob when I got your book. I went from a size 18 to a
7-Junior in just 10 months. It was really easy once I got started.
As you said... no hunger, no pills, no drugs. Thank You, Thank
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Ashley Carter - Monroe, Georgia.
Click Here NOW to get your eBook copy of Lillie's "Souper Weight Loss Secrets" while this generous offer is still in effect! Remember, the only thing you have to lose is pounds and inches!
Article Source:
Week - Try This Home-Made Soup Recipe" |
Then 221 Pounds Now 140 Pounds
Ashley Carter - Monroe, Georgia.
Click Here NOW to get your eBook copy of Lillie's "Souper Weight Loss Secrets" while this generous offer is still in effect! Remember, the only thing you have to lose is pounds and inches!
Lose5in7 - Fastest Weight Loss System
There are a lot of busy people who want to lose weight but do not have the time at the local gym or in their kitchens preparing healthy and nutritious meals that will help them lose weight. No matter how busy you are, you can lose weight, too. All you need to do is to come up with a weight loss system that will help gear up your metabolism - you will end up having a trim figure in no time.
Make sure you come up with a plan for each day:
You should make sure that you spend a couple of minutes drawing up a schedule for the next day - you can get a "daily schedule book" and make sure you stick to it. You can write the following in your schedule book:
* Time for workouts
* Type of meals to eat - these meals should be healthy and nutritious
* Time to drink another glass of water
Eat healthy snacks any time, any where
Starving is not and will never be a method to lose weight. The key to shedding weight is by eating healthy snacks around the clock. Eating small portions of healthy snacks all the time will help increase metabolism and fight off hunger pangs. You can eat healthy snacks such as carrots, dried apricots, grapes etc every 2 to 3 hours and you will not have to worry about packing on the calories and preparing food every time.
Please note that a healthy weight loss snack must be rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, for example:
- Fresh fruits
- Seeds
- Uncooked vegetables
- Cheeses low in fat
- Protein bars
- Meal replacement shakes
- Nuts
A weight loss system without some exercises is not complete. In order to get your heart going strong in the morning, you should try doing some cardiovascular exercises, your heart will be geared up and your metabolism will also be given a real boost in the process. Doing Pilates and a couple of stretches are no doubt a pretty good way to loosen up in the evening. Exercise is very important in any weight loss system. You can walk home from the office if you do not live very far, you can take the stairs instead of the elevator and can go for a 10 to 15 minutes walk during your lunch break.
Drink a Lot of Water!
Increasing your water intake for weight loss might be a little difficult but here are some helpful tips:
* Ensure that you replace sweet and fizzy carbonated beverages for water
* Make sure you carry a water bottle with you to work or wherever you go
* Make sure you immediately rid your refrigerator of canned sodas or other beverages, and also get rid of processed fruit juices (they do not count!)
* Make sure you drink a glass of water before each meal
* You can also add a wedge or slice of lemon or lime into your glass of water in order to give it some kind of pleasant flavor.
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“Who Else Wants to Lose 5.3 Pounds
Dear friend,
Today I want to show you EXACTLY what I have been doing for the last 12 years and over 11,397+ body transformation sessions to get people just like you unheard of results in just 16 – 29 minutes a day.
Here’s how busy people all over the world are saying goodbye to long boring cardio workouts and hundreds of useless crunches and are now using the power of my Fatlossity, Lose5in7 Weight Loss System to shed inches of belly fat and excess weight to reshape their bodies.
In Lose 5 in 7 you’ll not only lose 5 pounds your very
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‘Power of 3‘ will truly unlock your potential and lead
you to achieving the body you want in record time!
Why these 3 foods will burn fat and rev your
metabolism faster than any fat burner supplement ever could. (page 58)
The truth is 99% of people on weight loss programs are working out way too long and
are not only choosing the wrong exercises, but they are actually doing exercises that
are sabotaging their success! (page 163)
This is where I cut through all the research and show you exactly what 3 movements a
day you should be doing. (pages 107 – 296)
Dieting does not have to be difficult or time consuming - Use this brand new way of
simplifying your food choices. (page 42)
Are you always on the go? I will show you the right foods that come prepackaged or
easily prepared. There are tasty examples for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks!
(pages 51 – 79)
3 minutes to 20 minutes ~ Let's face it, there are days when you have no time to
workout and then there are others when you have a little longer to devout to your
workout. Either way, you won't need more than 20 minutes when you use these 3
exercises done in their specific order! (page 112)
Most diets books fail miserably when it comes time to creating an easy to
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“Who Else Wants to Lose 5.3 Pounds
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(average reported weight loss was 5.3 lbs in 7 days *June 2011)
Today I want to show you EXACTLY what I have been doing for the last 12 years and over 11,397+ body transformation sessions to get people just like you unheard of results in just 16 – 29 minutes a day.
Here’s how busy people all over the world are saying goodbye to long boring cardio workouts and hundreds of useless crunches and are now using the power of my Fatlossity, Lose5in7 Weight Loss System to shed inches of belly fat and excess weight to reshape their bodies.
Here’s just a taste of what people are discovering for the 1st time in my 12 week, Lose5in7 System:
1st week… YOU will finally discover how the
‘Power of 3‘ will truly unlock your potential and lead
you to achieving the body you want in record time!
The 3 Most Powerful Fat Burning Foods
Why these 3 foods will burn fat and rev yourmetabolism faster than any fat burner supplement ever could. (page 58)
The Only 3 Types of Fat Burning Exercises You Should Do
The truth is 99% of people on weight loss programs are working out way too long andare not only choosing the wrong exercises, but they are actually doing exercises that
are sabotaging their success! (page 163)
Your Daily 3 Fat Busting Moves
This is where I cut through all the research and show you exactly what 3 movements aday you should be doing. (pages 107 – 296)
Divide Your Plate in 3's for Fat Loss
Dieting does not have to be difficult or time consuming - Use this brand new way ofsimplifying your food choices. (page 42)
3 Minute Metabolic-Boosting Meals
Are you always on the go? I will show you the right foods that come prepackaged oreasily prepared. There are tasty examples for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks!
(pages 51 – 79)
Customize Your Workout!
3 minutes to 20 minutes ~ Let's face it, there are days when you have no time toworkout and then there are others when you have a little longer to devout to your
workout. Either way, you won't need more than 20 minutes when you use these 3
exercises done in their specific order! (page 112)
Cabral Checklists
Most diets books fail miserably when it comes time to creating an easy tofollow guide of how you can start losing weight right away and keep it going week after
week. My Cabral Checklists guarantee you will achieve permanent fat loss results!
This blueprint actually makes it incredibly easy to track your success! (starts on page
(3) 4 Week Workouts – 84 days to lose up to 36lbs (or more!)
Find out exactly what my private clients and happy Fatlossity� members do tosuccessfully lose the weight and keep it off forever! Plus, I demonstrate the exact form
you should be using in over 300 Fatlossity� exercise
photos! (over 200 pages!)
And much, much, much more! (too much more to share than I can write…)
I will demonstrate step-by-step what I have been using for over 11 years (and 11,397+private sessions!) to get my clients the results they want in the time they need them!
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several of my alternative health books and approaches. Here are some of
my recent appearances.
This is me being interviewed on "Fox 26 News."
Here I am making a live appearance on CBS's "Great Day SA Show."
"The A Channel Morning Show" welcomed me in Canada on a beautiful day.
Another picture from Doug Kaufmann's "Know The Cause".
This is me appearing live on the "Your Life A to Z Show."
Here I am being interviewed on the "AM Arizona Show."
This is an interview I did on "Fox 29 News First."
Here is an appearance I did on The CW's "Daily Buzz".
The Proof is in Customer Results!
are actual testimonials from people just like you that have tried this
proven program, have shed the pounds and improved their lives.
Real Customer Stories
Thanks Chris!
“I've lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks and I feel terrific. I've been married
for nearly 20 years, have 4 boys (ages 5 - 18) and I'm so glad there's
no fussing over meals and you use real, everyday food. (Nothing fancy) I
really thought I would lose energy with some of the recommendations in
the book, but the exact opposite occurred. I had no idea how much bad
stuff we consume each day even when you thinking you're eating "smart.”
These are great health tips
for life and ANYONE who just follows the simple instructions can't help
but lose weight! Your body won't allow it. Thanks again!”
Sharmaine Boyd, 38
Missouri, USA
Real Customer Stories
“I lost 30 pounds in five weeks doing the program and had a great time! Rapid Weight Loss By The Numbers is a simplistic and very educational book on effectively losing weight.
I enjoyed following the easy steps in the book and truly believe this
made a big difference in my results. I am well on my way to reaching my
goal and I know I will by continuing to follow Chris' simple weight
loss advice.”
Lynn A., 35
Coconut Creek, Florida
Real Customer Stories
"Please make sure Chris gets my letter. I have been on every diet there
is and like most people, have been unsuccessful in keeping the weight
off. I did not know what it was, but the weight always seemed to come
back somehow. Not anymore! I
want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help because your
program is wonderful information. I have lost 17 pounds already and
it’s only been a little more than two weeks! I sure wish I
had known about this before, but I am glad you have opened the door for
me. The best part about your program is I know I will not gain the
weight back because I am not doing anything drastic or desperate. It all
feels natural to me and my body! Thank you again!"
Karen Tempper, 23
Louisville, Kentucky
Real Customer Stories
HAVE YOU BEEN??? I am so glad I found your website! I have tried
everything, even the South Beach and Atkins Diets. I have not been able
to lose much weight until now. Thank
you for telling me the truth. This is the best approach I have ever
read about or tried, and it worked for me just like you said! If I ever
see you in person look out!”
Marianne Engles, 28
San Diego, California
Real Customer Stories
expected to be telling you off at this point in your program, but
thankfully for you, I was wrong. Everything I had tried before was a
total lie! The ONLY reason I bought your book was because you offered a
refund (sorry for being honest). However, I have followed your program
exactly as described and it has worked. I
am at four weeks now and have lost 25 pounds! I am recommending this to
all my family and friends. Thank you for explaining why all those diets
did not work for me in the past. You have found the answer - thanks for
Richard Hennessey, 41
San Antonio, Texas
Real Customer Stories
”I was desperate to lose weight before my wedding and I did not think I
could do it. At first my mother discouraged me from trying this, but she
is now a believer. She just bought your book yesterday. I
followed what you said and lost five more pounds than I had anticipated
during the 8 days leading to my wedding rehearsal. I feel great! The
wedding was very beautiful and I am going to look great for Tom in
Hawaii - thanks for your program!"
Cheryl Kinnesman, 19
Boca Raton, Florida
Real Customer Stories
Hello Chris,
“Thank you for being so different than the rest out there and answering
all of my questions. I know I was bothering you all the time, but your
support really helped me. I
quit my other weight loss diet and your program has worked much better
than I had ever expected! I have already lost 8 pounds in 10 days and I
feel amazing! Thank you SO much!"
Billie Latshaw, 22
Kansas City, Missouri
Real Customer Stories
ok, you were right. I have read and tried it all, Atkins, South Beach,
and your program is so much easier and works so much faster. It is not
even really a diet. I have
been overweight for 15 years and this is the most weight I have ever
lost and the best I have looked in quite a while... and it only took a
couple of weeks. I don't know if everyone you help gets results like
this, but I am very happy with your book. I thought I had heard it all
but you put "taking care of myself" into a new perspective. I also
wanted you to know my blood pressure and cholesterol has dropped
tremendously as well. I don't know if it’s the weight loss or the PLAN itself... but thank you for it ALL anyway!"
Charles Espinoza, 47
Salt Lake City, Utah
Real Customer Stories
"Chris knows weight loss - what works and more importantly what doesn’t! Rapid Weight Loss By The Numbers is filled with practical information you can use to lose weight permanently. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it for anyone who wants to lose weight the easy way!"
David Stokes, 34
Richmond, Virginia
Real Customer Stories
"The Rapid Weight Loss By The Numbers program is really easy to follow - it's set out so logically and because it's fast, you don't get bored. I have lost 10 lbs so far and it's staying off even through Christmas and a two week holiday in New Zealand! Thank you Chris for helping me to change my life!"
Caroline Banham Davy
Perth, Australia
Real Customer Stories
am happy to say that not only did I see my face begin to show rapid fat
loss within just the first three days, but also my energy levels
increased dramatically. I was amazed that I had so much
energy well into the evening (even after working all day), when
previously I had been so tired that at times I felt like just walking
through the back door of my office to my parked car at the end of the
day was too much effort. Now a little over four weeks later, I have already lost 15 pounds! Thank you so much Chris!"
Jamie King, 28
San Augustine, Florida
Real Customer Stories
Hi Chris,
"I am writing today to give you the results of using your program.
Although at first I was skeptical of what would happen, I made a
commitment to follow your advice all the way through. After only 6 weeks, the Rapid Weight Loss By The Numbers plan sent me on my way to losing 24 pounds! Having the ability to choose my own menu made it so easy to stick with. Thank you so much for taking the difficulty away from losing weight and keeping it off!"
Maxine Wyett
Corfu, Greece
Real Customer Stories
Hi Chris,
“Your rapid weight loss program impressed me much. It
is easy to follow, your simple steps really do work, and I never felt
deprived. I can still enjoy every kind of food that I like, where with
other diets and plans there is always something you love that you have
to give up. I would recommend your book to anybody who needs
to lose weight and wants to do it on their terms! Thanks again for your
wonderful advice Chris!”
Laura Van Dijk
Kalahari, South Africa
Real Customer Stories
"For me, losing weight has always meant fasting throughout the day and eating a meal at night. I've always known this wasn't the most effective way to lose weight. I would be cranky, tired, and prone to snacking late at night... often.
I'm 26 now and am thinking more and more about staying healthy rather
than just staying thin and I needed a plan that could help me with that.
I found Rapid Weight Loss By Numbers while looking online
for something that would work quickly. I knew if I didn't see results
right away I would give up and revert back to my old way of losing
The reason I like this Chris’
program so much is because it allows me to eat! At a first glance, I
thought it might a little too strict for me but, unlike anything else, I
found I could make adjustments that fit my lifestyle. I am not only
thinner now but my skin, hair, and nails haven't looked this good in a
long time. I am so glad I found this book and I recommend it
to anyone who not only wants to lose weight, but wants to do it in a
healthier, happier way!"
Marcy Meehan, 26
Indianapolis, Indiana
Real Customer Stories
Hi Chris,
"I’m really excited to write you today about the wonderful results I have achieved by following the steps in your book. I
have to say that the weight loss program was a great success for me, as
I lost a little over 20 pounds in just five weeks! I loved how you were
straight forward and told the truth about how simple it really is to
lose the weight. The best part of following your program is
that I now know I will not put the weight back on because of how easy
you have made it to maintain my current weight. Thank you again!"
Tony Halberson, 42
Carlsbad, New Mexico
Real Customer Stories
“I am not a man of very many words, but for you I will write a little something about my results. I was very satisfied with your Rapid Weight Loss By The Numbers program. Over a period of just 21 days, I lost 22 pounds and I feel amazing! I was very surprised that even at my ripe age the simple steps in your book actually worked! Thank you so much."
Roy Hetherington, 86
Manitoba, Canada
Real Customer Stories
“Wow! I can’t believe what I have been able to achieve in only a few
weeks. I have managed to lose ten pounds and feel so much healthier! I have even joined a gym, something I would never have done before. This book has completely changed my life. Thanks Chris!"
Michelle Lennon
United Kingdom
Real Customer Stories
“I have extremely enjoyed
your program as it hasn't felt like I have been trying to lose weight. I
have only followed the diet portion of your book so far and I still
dropped a full dress size already! I can’t wait until I put
your full plan into action as I know I will lose the remaining pounds I
want to get rid of. Thank you again for your help and encouragement!"
Marsha Morley, 41
The Bahamas
Real Customer Stories
“Rapid Weight Loss By The Numbers gave me the strength to challenge a weight struggle I have had for many years. The
program in the book gave me instant results as I have lost 13 pounds in
the last three weeks! I love how you can go without having cravings and
basically eat what you want when you want it. I'm addicted to your plan and recommend it to all that have similar weight issues to me. Thank you Chris!”
Kate Constantine
Sydney, Australia
Real Customer Stories
Hello Chris,
“Yes, I have had great success with the Rapid Weight Loss by the Numbers
plan. What I loved about it is that if you need to snack between
meals, you can. If you need to eat what you are craving, you can! I
feel that following Chris’ program is essential for weight loss,
because it allows you to have very good meals without the need to feel
in need of more food. I still follow it to this day even though my
weight is exactly where I want it to be. I would recommend anyone trying to lose weight to give this program a try!”
Derek Lockwood
Tunisia, United Kingdom
Here is a Sampling of How the #1 Best Selling Book, Rapid We
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There are thousands of reasons people struggle to lose weight, but at our personal training studio in Chiswick, one reason stands head and shoulders above all others. I'm talking about blood sugar and insulin resistance.
Although most people know that blood sugar and insulin plays a part, how many of us really know what blood sugars role in causing weight gain really is. Why does blood sugar becomes too high, why does it get too low, why is this important and crucially, how we can regulate it. This an extremely complex and vast topic but I'm going to simplify the subject as much as possible.
Whenever we consume any form of starch or sugar carbohydrate, this becomes available as blood sugar, otherwise known as blood glucose, in the bloodstream. How quickly it converts to blood glucose depends on the glycemic index of the carbohydrate. Glucose itself would have a profile of 100 which means it is all instantly available as blood sugar whilst lentils can have profile of as little as 21 which means the carbohydrate becomes available as sugar more slowly.
When our body detects blood sugar, it releases a hormone from the pancreas called insulin. This increased level of insulin in the bloodstream enables energy from glucose to become available to the muscle and liver cells as energy; see insulin as a key that unlocks the cells to allow the glucose in.
So, if a person who naturally releases too much insulin, eats a high glycemic food like pasta, they will have an oversupply of the hormone. If this same person were to eat a low glycemic carbohydrate like lentils, they would have a much better chance of releasing the sugar more evenly into the blood stream as the insulin released would be lower.
It is important to note that Muscles and the liver only need enough glucose to replenish the stores, and liver stores glucose as glycogen which it makes available in times of crisis. An over production of insulin makes all the glucose instantly available but the muscles and liver cells will only take what they need.
Fat cells, on the other hand, are eager recipients of any blood sugar made available to them by excess insulin, consume the remainder up and thus expand. Fat cells are essentially our emergency stores of energy, for when we run out of food, but only once all the glycogen stores are gone from the liver. As you will see, that's unlikely to happen when we continue to eat refined carbohydrates.
Now, the real problem that has been caused by eating a high glycemic carbohydrate becomes evident. The energy from the pasta has now been utilized by the greedy fat cells, so your blood sugar has dropped too low, the insulin spike caused all of the sugar to become available at once and there is none left.
Your liver is stubborn and doesn't like giving up its stores unless it has to, but we need energy on a constant basis, even while sleeping, and as we discussed your fat cells are not giving up a bean of energy until all the glycogen is gone from your liver.
So your body is faced with a dilemma, it needs some more sugar urgently but the liver is unwilling to release any and the fat cells won't be releasing any until the liver is depleted of glycogen stores. The message is sent to your brain loud and clear. You are hungry. EAT! But you only just ate, how can it be possible that you're hungry again.
Not only has the pasta potentially increased the size of your fat cells, it hasn't even sorted out your hunger levels, because the glucose is no longer available to the muscle cells and liver which need a slow but constant supply. The fat cells had all the glucose and because you're hungry you eat a source of carbohydrates which relieves the hunger quickest. A starchy or sugary carbohydrate. It's a catch 22 in the very truest sense.
This internal message to raise the blood sugar is so overwhelming that seldom will we manage to overcome the craving.
Some people release less insulin naturally and so can tolerate higher glycemic foods, meaning a larger consumption of carbohydrates is not such a problem, in others it can have catastrophic effects on their body composition.
Everybody suggests working on the glycemic index, which is great for some people, but for others the fat cells have grown to such a point where the insulin keys no longer fit the cells to receive the sugar, which is essentially type 2 diabetes.
The ultimate goal is to not have any fluctuation in blood sugar at all.
Think about this for a second. We do all need carbohydrates if only for brain function, anybody who tells you otherwise is probably trying to sell you something. Fortunately, we know that carbohydrates come in 3 forms.
- Sugar - which we need to avoid at all costs.
- Starch - Although it varies on the GI scale, ultimately becomes glucose which will cause some insulin release and therefore blood sugar variations
- Fibre - Which has no impact on blood sugar whatsoever.
Of course, if you are going to take this approach you will also need to consider your intake of good quality fats as an alternative fuel source, but that's a whole new conversation.
In taking a less extreme path towards long term blood sugar balance for those with less pressing blood sugar issues, we can implement a simple intelligent carbohydrate 'swapping' strategy.
Eat only whole natural carbohydrate sources like sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa and lentils in place of white rice, ALL bread and pasta.
Eat fruit as a carbohydrate with some natural Greek yogurt instead of desserts like chocolates and ice creams.
If you really do struggle with complete elimination of refined sugars from your diet then the only instance when eating foods high on the glycemic index could be considered a good idea is post exercise, where the spike in insulin can be beneficial as your muscle cells are more agreeable to receiving the available blood sugar to replenish and repair.
click here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Alexandra
The Weight Loss Motivation Bible (view mobile)
9:11 AM
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Most of us can understand and relate to this: we find the perfect
diet plan, we pick the start date, we get rid of all the naughty stuff,
and off we go brimming with enthusiasm and high hopes and we think
"this time" we are going to nail it. And it all goes well...for a little
There is the buzz of the new start and that great feeling
when those first few pounds are lost and show on the bathroom scale.
Then something happens and the initial enthusiasm fades away, we find it
harder and harder to stick to our healthy eating plan and exercise
program. Our good intentions seem to be overridden by a dark force that
we don't understand and we give up on losing weight...until next time.
thanks to neuroscience and a greater understanding of how the human
mind works we know that we each have a default 'template' that is like a
computer software program. This template carries hidden patterns in our
mind of 'what to do in every circumstance' and is the control centre
for the decisions we make every single day of our lives. We build these
templates are we go through life without even being aware of it and they
guide our actions (or inactions) automatically.
If you have
become overweight and or are having trouble losing weight something may
be 'out of whack' with one of your personal templates. Inherited wisdom,
misinformation about nutrition, dieting and what proper exercise really
means can mix together with some plain old self-delusion and act like a
roadblock. This is why you self-sabotage yourself over and over again
whenever you attempt to introduce some much needed healthy changes in
your life.
Fortunately you can reprogram these 'templates' so they
serve you better and help you to get out of your own way. First we need
to identify what these thoughts and self-beliefs are that are causing
the roadblock. Then, we change them and put more positive and focused
ones in their place. Just like a software upgrade we can give ourselves
this mind reprogramming upgrade so what we want to have happen on the
'outside' is a match for what is happening on the 'inside'.
It is a
revelation when we discover all this as the things we do and don't do -
especially in the area of healthy eating and proper exercise can happen
without us directly 'thinking' about or 'choosing' them. Of course we
want our subconscious mind to guide us directly to that slim, fit,
healthy, feel-good body as that is the way we humans function best.
Anything less is not going to allow us to look good and feel good about
ourselves so old tired mind 'templates' that are not serving us well
need to be updated so we can achieve what we desire.
Most people
look to a diet plan to lose weight or an exercise program to improve
fitness but these things do not give you that mind software upgrade so
the chances of sticking with them for long are not good. You may even
get started and some weeks/months down the road something comes up in
your life and completely derails you yet again.
This is the reason
why 95 percent of diets available today fail at helping people lose any
significant amount of weight for the long-term. They do not address the
mind-set at all and without changing the 'template' whatever is causing
the overweight, unhealthy and unhappy body is still there and will show
itself at some point. The 'outer' is always a match for the 'inner' -
If you truly wish to achieve real and lasting weight
loss results you will most definitely need the same software program
that a naturally slim person 'runs'. Once you put this in place just as
you have become overweight automatically you can become slim
automatically and it will be just as easy and effortless.
I can
show you how to reprogram your mind for this and you will find all of
the strategies and tools for this simple but effective concept in my
eBook called "The Weight Loss Motivation Bible".
Just some easy
tweaks and you will begin to start making better food choices, eat less
food overall and guess what - you'll even ENJOY exercise. All of these
things combined will lead you to that slim, fit and healthy body that at
the moment seems a long way off. But the good news is now you are aware
of what you need to do to get it and all you have to do is reach out
and grab it.
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking
your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first.
So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I
have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss
Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through
visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss
You can download that report here: click
The Weight Loss Motivation Bible
You can download that report here: click
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