
The Weight Loss Motivation Bible (view mobile)

Expert Author Carolyn Hansen
Most of us can understand and relate to this: we find the perfect diet plan, we pick the start date, we get rid of all the naughty stuff, and off we go brimming with enthusiasm and high hopes and we think "this time" we are going to nail it. And it all goes well...for a little while.
There is the buzz of the new start and that great feeling when those first few pounds are lost and show on the bathroom scale. Then something happens and the initial enthusiasm fades away, we find it harder and harder to stick to our healthy eating plan and exercise program. Our good intentions seem to be overridden by a dark force that we don't understand and we give up on losing weight...until next time.
Now, thanks to neuroscience and a greater understanding of how the human mind works we know that we each have a default 'template' that is like a computer software program. This template carries hidden patterns in our mind of 'what to do in every circumstance' and is the control centre for the decisions we make every single day of our lives. We build these templates are we go through life without even being aware of it and they guide our actions (or inactions) automatically.
If you have become overweight and or are having trouble losing weight something may be 'out of whack' with one of your personal templates. Inherited wisdom, misinformation about nutrition, dieting and what proper exercise really means can mix together with some plain old self-delusion and act like a roadblock. This is why you self-sabotage yourself over and over again whenever you attempt to introduce some much needed healthy changes in your life.
Fortunately you can reprogram these 'templates' so they serve you better and help you to get out of your own way. First we need to identify what these thoughts and self-beliefs are that are causing the roadblock. Then, we change them and put more positive and focused ones in their place. Just like a software upgrade we can give ourselves this mind reprogramming upgrade so what we want to have happen on the 'outside' is a match for what is happening on the 'inside'.
It is a revelation when we discover all this as the things we do and don't do - especially in the area of healthy eating and proper exercise can happen without us directly 'thinking' about or 'choosing' them. Of course we want our subconscious mind to guide us directly to that slim, fit, healthy, feel-good body as that is the way we humans function best. Anything less is not going to allow us to look good and feel good about ourselves so old tired mind 'templates' that are not serving us well need to be updated so we can achieve what we desire.
Most people look to a diet plan to lose weight or an exercise program to improve fitness but these things do not give you that mind software upgrade so the chances of sticking with them for long are not good. You may even get started and some weeks/months down the road something comes up in your life and completely derails you yet again.
This is the reason why 95 percent of diets available today fail at helping people lose any significant amount of weight for the long-term. They do not address the mind-set at all and without changing the 'template' whatever is causing the overweight, unhealthy and unhappy body is still there and will show itself at some point. The 'outer' is always a match for the 'inner' - always...
If you truly wish to achieve real and lasting weight loss results you will most definitely need the same software program that a naturally slim person 'runs'. Once you put this in place just as you have become overweight automatically you can become slim automatically and it will be just as easy and effortless.
I can show you how to reprogram your mind for this and you will find all of the strategies and tools for this simple but effective concept in my eBook called "The Weight Loss Motivation Bible".
Just some easy tweaks and you will begin to start making better food choices, eat less food overall and guess what - you'll even ENJOY exercise. All of these things combined will lead you to that slim, fit and healthy body that at the moment seems a long way off. But the good news is now you are aware of what you need to do to get it and all you have to do is reach out and grab it.
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: click 
The Weight Loss Motivation Bible 


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